2011年1月23日 星期日


For Katakana, they usually are divided into fews types of catergory. They are loan words, onomatopoeia, emphasized words and scientific naming.

1. Loan words
    Gourmet: グルメ
 Lavender: ラベンダー
 Soup: スープ
 Curry: カーレ
 Cheese: チーズ
 Variety: バラエティ
 Restaurant: レストラン

2. Onomatopoeia
    The sound of feeling hungry: グーグー
 The sound of tearing something:ビリビリ
 The sound of raining: ザーザー
 The sound of explosion: ドゴォォン
 The sound of the bird:チュンチュン

3. Emphasized words
    ウマイ from food magazine
 ダメ     from comic
 ビックリ from book
    コレで from food magazine

4. Scientific naming
    ゾウ elephant
 トビ  kite

K-ON!! goods advertisement

This is from the animate K-ON!! official website. This is one of the advertisement for promoting products. The word used ビック which means big and large. And this word is translated from English word "BIG". This is one type of katakana  ( loads words). Besides, I am just wondering why katakana ビック is used but not the usual word wriiten in hiragana おおきい? Since using katakana, there is a emphasized function; and this is an advertisment on the website, so using ビック in katakana can enhace the message which is large and easily draw the visitiors' attention.

This is a menu from a ramen restaurant in Causeway Bay. It is easy to understand why the menu is also explained in Japanese as the target customers of this restaurant not only are the Hong Kong people, but also the Japanese in Hong Kong. On the other hand, including Japanese explanation can create an atmosphere which is similar to the restaurant in Japan. Many Hong Kong people are so admired to Japan, so they will think that this restaurant is specialized Japanese restaurant.

5 則留言:

  1. Sarah san,

    This is very interesting analysis of Japanese writing. I especially like your analysis of ramen restaurant at Causeway Bay.
    I think one of the reason why Japanese people use Big instead of Ooki is, as you said, English is cool. It is a little bit weired for me, though.

  2. Thanks:)
    p.s. sensei~ I like your profile picture very much, it really looks like you!!*u*

  3. Arigatoo.
    Demo, this one is a little bit slim.
    I gained a little.. I was a little bit slimer before.

  4. Yes, I agree with Sarah that using Japanese on the meal of Japanese restaurants can create a similar atomsphere as restaurant in Japan. It also attracts customer to try their dishes.

  5. I love the example of ramen restaurant you used. I think using Japanese in the reataurant not only can create an atmosphere which is similar to the restaurant in Japan, also it can let the customers like me think this restaurant can provide same quality of food like Japan and it can attact more people to come=]
